
学术鉴定认证是针对教学机构提供的一个系统的学术教学过程, 用于确定教育机构的教学标准是否符合规定的质量标准。 一旦获得认证,每三年定期更新一次以确保教学质量得到保证。

MAC-Academic 是一个非政府的营利性学术机构,并提供专业的自我评估计划以满足 MAC-Academic 学术教育专家设定的高标准教学标准。 学术鉴定认证的过程基于对教学组织提供数据分析,包括过去三年的学术分析结果,同时包含与工作人员及学生会面以检查组织的教学标准。

为什么需要 Mac Academic Accreditation 学术鉴定认证:

以证明并展示贵组织机构是一个专业的教育中心, 并提供符合国际标准的高质量教学。 以显示贵组织机构致力于使用最专业化,理论性,以及具有更高效的教学理念。 以强调贵组织机构实施最佳流程,并保护学生的公共健康,安全和福利。 以证明贵组织机构雇用了专业合格的教学员工。

MAC-学术鉴定认证规则/资格 我们不为个人提供个人认证,注册或认证服务。 我们仅向教育组织机构提供学术鉴定认证,而不是学位或教学计划。

贵组织机构必须符合专业机构 Mac Academic 的标准。 贵组织机构必须具有为期至少一年的教学经验。 贵组织机构如何实现MAC-学术鉴定认证? 认证需求详细流程。 认证过程通常需要3周时间完成。

1. 贵组织机构新的 Mac Academic 认证流程正式开始申请需到我们网站申请。
2. 贵组织机构支付认证费用。
3. 贵组织机构填写问卷和表格。
4. 贵组织机构转发学生去年的成绩。
5. Mac Academic 通过Skype进行与贵组织机构员工和学生的访谈。
6. Mac Academic 提交报告和建议。
7. Mac Academic 颁发认证证书。
Mac Accreditation Certificate 学术鉴定认证书是一个针对专业教学机构的一个认证声明, 认证贵教育机构是一个专业的教育机构,并且通过审计以满足国际教学标准而进行的。
Mac Accreditation Certificate 认证书是为了表彰贵组织机构为实施提供给教学机构的
Mac Academic CIPD 计划所做的努力。
Mac Accreditation Certificate 认证书是一个可获得国际标准学术认证和证据的机会,可以帮助贵组织机构在同行业中具有更专业的教学机制并在同行业中脱颖而出。

Accreditation is a Systematic Academic Process to determine if the teaching standard of an educational organisation meets defined standards of quality. Once
achieved, accreditation is not permanent – it is renewed periodically every three years to ensure that the quality of the teaching is maintained.
Mac Academic is a non-governmental, profit-making Academy which organises a self assessment exercise to meet a high and rigorous standard of teaching set by Mac Academic education specialists.
The process of academic accreditation is based on the analysis of data supplied by the teaching organisation, including their results in the last 3 years.
Random meetings with the staff and students are carried out to check on the standards of the organisation.
  • Demonstrates that your organisation is a professional educational centre delivering high-quality teaching with an international standard.

  • Shows that your organisation is committed to delivering professional, ethical and effective teaching using modern best practices.

  • Emphasises that your organisation implements the best procedures for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare of the students.

  • Proves that your organisation employs professional and qualified staff.

  • We do not provide personal accreditation, registration or certification services for individuals

  • We offer accreditation to organisations only, not to degrees or teaching programmes

  • Organisations must meet Mac Academic standards of professional organisation

  • The organisation must have the results of at least one year of teaching

  1. The Organisation new to Mac Academic process begins formally by applying for accreditation on site.

  2. The Organisation pays the fees for the Accreditation.

  3. The Organisation fills out the questionnaire and forms.

  4. The Organisation forwards the student’s results of the past year.

  5. Mac Academic conduct Skype interviews with staff and student.

  6. MAC-Academic submits reports and recommendations.

  7. MAC-Academic issues the Accreditation certificates.


MAC Accreditation Certificate is a declaration that the organisation is a professional organisation and that the audit has been carried out to meet the international standards of teaching.

MAC Accreditation Certificate is issued in recognition of the organisation effort in implementing MAC-Academic CIPD Programme which is provided to the organisation.

MAC Accreditation Certificate is an opportunity for recognition and evidence that should help organisation participating in this audit stand out from the rest.