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Mac English Indicator

The Mac English Indicator, presented by MAC International, will test your English language ability using multiple choice questions on vocabulary, grammar, reading and listening.

This test uses audio files as part of the listening section so users must ensure the audio on their device is functional before taking the test.

1 / 15

Category: Listening

1. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

Dr Holman has samples from every __________

2 / 15

Category: Vocabulary

2. It remains _______________ whether society is under threat from the refugee crisis.

3 / 15

Category: Reading

3. Read the following text to answer the question.

There is clearly no denying that meteorologists are still at a very early stage in understanding weather. The effects of variables such as rainfall, cloud formation, the seas and oceans, gases, including methane and ozone, or even solar energy use are still not really understood. Therefore it must be stressed that the predictions being made today cannot be completely relied on.

Our understanding of the weather ________________________

4 / 15

Category: Reading

4. Read the following text to answer the question.

Dr Billingham is investigating fossilized tracks, or footprints, using computer simulations to help analyse how now-extinct animals moved. Modern-day trackers who are familiar with the habitats of wild animals can, with ease, tell you what animal made a track, whether it was walking or running, and sometimes even the sex of the animal. However, a fossil track poses a more considerable challenge to interpret in the same way. A crucial consideration is knowing what the environment upon which the animal walked was like millions of years ago when the track was made. Experiments can answer these questions but the number of variables is mind-boggling. Physically recreating each scenario with a box of mud or sediment is extremely time-consuming and difficult to repeat accurately.

An experienced tracker can analyse fossil footprints as easily as those made by live animals.

5 / 15

Category: Reading

5. Read the following text to answer the question.

Reef flats and shallow reef lagoons are accessible on foot, without the need for a boat, and so allow women, children and the elderly to engage directly in manual harvesting, or ‘reef-gleaning’. This is a significant factor distinguishing reef-based fisheries from near-shore sea fisheries. Near-shore fisheries are typically the domain of adult males, in particular where they involve the use of boats, with women and children restricted mainly to shore-based activities. However, in a coral reef fishery the physical accessibility of the reef opens up opportunities for direct participation by women, and consequently increases their independence and the importance of their role in the community.

Involvement in coral-reef-based occupations raises the status of women.

6 / 15

Category: Listening

6. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

Margaret thinks that employers should encourage staff members who are __________

7 / 15

Category: Listening

7. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

Margaret believes employers should look for job applicants who _________

8 / 15

Category: Reading

8. Read the following text to answer the question.

Planning an eco-friendly holiday can be a minefield for the well-meaning traveller, says Mark Watson. If there were awards for tourism catchwords that have been hijacked, diluted and misused then ‘ecotourism’ would surely earn first prize. The term initially surfaced in the early 1980s reflecting a surge in environmental awareness and a realisation by tour operators that many of their clients wanted to believe their presence in a foreign land would not have a negative impact. It rapidly became the hottest marketing tag a holiday abroad could carry.

The term ‘ecotourism’ has become an advertising gimmick.

9 / 15

Category: Listening

9. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

Passenger surname:

10 / 15

Category: Vocabulary

10. Which of the following words is a long channel of water that is man made?

11 / 15

Category: Listening

11. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

Which aspect of roof garden design is mentioned?

12 / 15

Category: Vocabulary

12. Some researchers refuse to believe that the impact of the meteorite _____________ for the end of the dinosaurs.

13 / 15

Category: Vocabulary

13. Which of the following words is a synonym for "false"?

14 / 15

Category: Reading

14. Read the following text to answer the question.

Among the professional and managerial strata, working hours have increased and record numbers of people are in employment overall. As people work more, their appetite for leisure activities has grown to compensate for the greater stress in life. The past four years alone have seen the leisure and tourism business expand by 35% with a change in emphasis to short weekend breaks in Europe and long-haul short breaks to exotic destinations in place of longer domestic holidays.

Long domestic holidays have taken the place of long-haul short breaks.

15 / 15

Category: Vocabulary

15. Companies often shift production to regions with lower labour costs in order to remain ____________ .

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