
Mac English Indicator 2

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Mac English Indicator

The Mac English Indicator, presented by MAC International, will test your English language ability using multiple choice questions on vocabulary, grammar, reading and listening.

This test uses audio files as part of the listening section so users must ensure the audio on their device is functional before taking the test.

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Category: Reading

1. Read the following text to answer the question.

Planning an eco-friendly holiday can be a minefield for the well-meaning traveller, says Mark Watson. If there were awards for tourism catchwords that have been hijacked, diluted and misused then ‘ecotourism’ would surely earn first prize. The term initially surfaced in the early 1980s reflecting a surge in environmental awareness and a realisation by tour operators that many of their clients wanted to believe their presence in a foreign land would not have a negative impact. It rapidly became the hottest marketing tag a holiday abroad could carry.

The term ‘ecotourism’ has become an advertising gimmick.

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Category: Reading

2. Read the following text to answer the question.

There are a number of settlements across East Anglia with names containing the word ‘tye’. The word is Anglo-Saxon in origin, and the Oxford English Dictionary quotes the earliest usage of the term as dating from 832. Essentially a ‘tye’ was a green or a small area of open common land, usually situated away from the main village or settlement, often at the junction of two or more routes. Locals and passing travellers had the right to pasture their horses, pigs and other farm animals on the tye.

A tye was __________________

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Category: Reading

3. Read the following text to answer the question.

It is unlikely, at least in Europe, that propaganda will ever be accepted as a neutral concept. The very word is so loaded with sinister connotations that it evokes an immediate and visceral sense of outrage in much of the population. For the use of propaganda reached its apex in the machinery of Hitler’s Third Reich. It is therefore unsurprising that liberal governments and politicians are liable to perform the most extreme acrobatic manouveres in their efforts to avoid the dreaded “p” word being applied to any of their activities. They have developed impressive lexicons of euphemisms and doublespeak to distance themselves from any taint of it, real or imagined.

Politicians in Europe ________________________

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Category: Listening

4. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

What does the speaker say about older universities?

5 / 20

Category: Grammar

5. We'll be looking at the three main causes of social change around the world, and we'll have one or two examples of _______________.

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Category: Grammar

6. Complete the sentence with the verb "move" in the correct form. Earthquakes are caused by tectonic plates ________________________ against each other.

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Category: Vocabulary

7. Last year's winter was _________ cold and snowfall was frequent.

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Category: Listening

8. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

Dr Holman has samples from every __________

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Category: Grammar

9. ________ claim there should be no government restrictions but others disagree.

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Category: Grammar

10. "... the nuclear family – that is, _________ consisting of a husband, a wife and children."

11 / 20

Category: Vocabulary

11. "The match was _________ live on a leading sports channel." Which of the following words DOES NOT fit in the gap?

12 / 20

Category: Listening

12. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

The research is vital for the understanding of ___________

13 / 20

Category: Listening

13. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

Cost of a return bus ticket to Milton:

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Category: Reading

14. Read the following text to answer the question.

If we look at the much reported rise in global temperatures over the last century, a closer analysis reveals that the lion’s share of that increase, almost three quarters in total, occurred before mankind began to “poison” the world with industrial processes and their accompanying greenhouse gas emissions in the second half of the twentieth century.

Most of the increase in global temperature took place in the latter half of the twentieth century.

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Category: Vocabulary

15. Some researchers refuse to believe that the impact of the meteorite _____________ for the end of the dinosaurs.

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Category: Vocabulary

16. Could you ___________ on whether people will change their attitudes towards borrowing money?

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Category: Vocabulary

17. Ur was ___________________located close to the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.

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Category: Listening

18. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

What time does Laura's lecture end?

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Category: Reading

19. Read the following text to answer the question.

Reef flats and shallow reef lagoons are accessible on foot, without the need for a boat, and so allow women, children and the elderly to engage directly in manual harvesting, or ‘reef-gleaning’. This is a significant factor distinguishing reef-based fisheries from near-shore sea fisheries. Near-shore fisheries are typically the domain of adult males, in particular where they involve the use of boats, with women and children restricted mainly to shore-based activities. However, in a coral reef fishery the physical accessibility of the reef opens up opportunities for direct participation by women, and consequently increases their independence and the importance of their role in the community.

Involvement in coral-reef-based occupations raises the status of women.

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Category: Grammar

20. Complete the sentence with the verb "propose" in the correct form. "The theory _________________ by Hawking has answered some age-old questions."

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