
Mac English Indicator 2

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Mac English Indicator

The Mac English Indicator, presented by MAC International, will test your English language ability using multiple choice questions on vocabulary, grammar, reading and listening.

This test uses audio files as part of the listening section so users must ensure the audio on their device is functional before taking the test.

1 / 20

Category: Grammar

1. Researchers visited the Great Upper Nile region ___________________ they could study an endangered languages still spoken there.

2 / 20

Category: Listening

2. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

Margaret suggests that managers may find it difficult to _________

3 / 20

Category: Vocabulary

3. I’m sorry to bring this __________, but I thought you’d offered to pay for this dinner.

4 / 20

Category: Listening

4. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

What time does the TGV train leave Paris?

5 / 20

Category: Listening

5. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

What does the speaker say about older universities?

6 / 20

Category: Grammar

6. For _____________ who are not healthy enough to work until 65 , it would be best to retire.

7 / 20

Category: Vocabulary

7. My dissertation supervisor asked me to expand on the introduction of my paper but in my view that would be complete ______________

8 / 20

Category: Reading

8. Read the following text to answer the question.

A rope bridge connects the mainland with an outcrop of rock jutting out of the turbulent ocean. When it was first constructed, the bridge was merely a simple rope handrail with widely spaced slats and was mainly used by salmon fishermen who needed to travel from the island to the mainland. In time, it was replaced with a more sturdy caged bridge. However, it is still not a crossing for the faint-hearted. The bridge swings above a chasm of rushing, foaming water. Many visitors who make the walk one way find themselves unable to return and end up being taken off the island by boat.

The more sturdy cage added to rope bridge has helped to increase the number of visitors to the area.

9 / 20

Category: Reading

9. Read the following text to answer the question.

Perfumes and fragrant spices were precious commodities in antiquity. They were very much in demand, and at times even exceeded silver and gold in value. Therefore they were considered to be luxury products, used mainly in the temples and in the homes of the nobility and upper classes.

Since perfumes and spices were luxury products, their use was exclusive to the noble and the wealthy.

10 / 20

Category: Listening

10. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

Distance from airport to St Thomas:

11 / 20

Category: Reading

11. Read the following text to answer the question.

Increasingly, buildings such as offices, schools, colleges or hospitals which used to allow free access to employees and other users now do not. This is because they are situated in urban areas suffering from escalating crime, Entry areas are now manned by security staff. Receptionists, whose task it once was to receive visitors and to make them welcome before passing them on to the person they had come to see,are now tasked with barring entry to the unauthorised, the unwanted or the plain unappealing.

Access to many buildings ___________________

12 / 20

Category: Vocabulary

12. What do you call someone who makes sure they achieve what they set out to do, without giving up?

13 / 20

Category: Reading

13. Read the following text to answer the question.

We crave for and are fed a daily diet of fear. Horror films and disaster movies have an increasing appeal. Nostradamus pops his head up now and again, And other would-be prophets make a brief appearance, predicting the demise of humanity. Perhaps this is all just a vestige of the hardships of early man – our attempt to recreate the struggles of a past age, as life becomes ever more comfortable.

The writer believes that Nostradamus and other prophets are right about their predictions for the end of humankind.

14 / 20

Category: Listening

14. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

Dr Holman has samples from every __________

15 / 20

Category: Grammar

15. My research involves __________ some very complicated calculations.

16 / 20

Category: Vocabulary

16. Oil is set to run out soon if we continue to ____________ it at the current rate.

17 / 20

Category: Vocabulary

17. Ur was ___________________located close to the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.

18 / 20

Category: Grammar

18. "... the nuclear family – that is, _________ consisting of a husband, a wife and children."

19 / 20

Category: Reading

19. Read the following text to answer the question.

Dr Billingham is investigating fossilized tracks, or footprints, using computer simulations to help analyse how now-extinct animals moved. Modern-day trackers who are familiar with the habitats of wild animals can, with ease, tell you what animal made a track, whether it was walking or running, and sometimes even the sex of the animal. However, a fossil track poses a more considerable challenge to interpret in the same way. A crucial consideration is knowing what the environment upon which the animal walked was like millions of years ago when the track was made. Experiments can answer these questions but the number of variables is mind-boggling. Physically recreating each scenario with a box of mud or sediment is extremely time-consuming and difficult to repeat accurately.

An experienced tracker can analyse fossil footprints as easily as those made by live animals.

20 / 20

Category: Grammar

20. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. (1) It would be possible to persuade the government to impose a more ambitious target. (2) The government ........... to impose this more ambitious target.

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