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Mac English Indicator

The Mac English Indicator, presented by MAC International, will test your English language ability using multiple choice questions on vocabulary, grammar, reading and listening.

This test uses audio files as part of the listening section so users must ensure the audio on their device is functional before taking the test.

1 / 20

Category: Grammar

1. As is usually the case with emigrants, __________ who went away were the most active and ambitious.

2 / 20

Category: Listening

2. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

What does the speaker say about the barbecues?

3 / 20

Category: Reading

3. Read the following text to answer the question.

We crave for and are fed a daily diet of fear. Horror films and disaster movies have an increasing appeal. Nostradamus pops his head up now and again, And other would-be prophets make a brief appearance, predicting the demise of humanity. Perhaps this is all just a vestige of the hardships of early man – our attempt to recreate the struggles of a past age, as life becomes ever more comfortable.

The writer believes that Nostradamus and other prophets are right about their predictions for the end of humankind.

4 / 20

Category: Reading

4. Read the following text to answer the question.

Drs B. Sellers and P. Manning from the University of Manchester have created a computer model which works with digitized dinosaur skeletons and the locations of known muscles. The model then randomly activates the muscles. This, perhaps unsurprisingly, almost always results in the animal falling flat on its face. So the computer alters the activation pattern and tries again. If there is any improvement, the old pattern is discarded and the new one is adopted as a base. Eventually, the muscle activation pattern evolves to a stable way of movement and the dinosaur can walk, run, chase or graze. Assuming natural selection evolves the best possible solution too, the modeled animal should move in a manner similar to its now-extinct counterpart. Indeed, using the same method for living animals, including humans, emu and ostriches, similar top speeds were achieved on the computer as in reality.

When the Sellers & Manning model was used for people, it showed them moving quicker than they are physically able to.

5 / 20

Category: Grammar

5. Measuring someone’s personality allows _______ to predict how healthy they are likely to be.

6 / 20

Category: Grammar

6. Complete the sentence with the verb "risk" in the correct form. "If you spend too long getting ready you _____________ being late for the lecture."

7 / 20

Category: Vocabulary

7. The launch was planned for 2003 _____________.

8 / 20

Category: Vocabulary

8. My dissertation supervisor asked me to expand on the introduction of my paper but in my view that would be complete ______________

9 / 20

Category: Listening

9. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

What does the speaker say about older universities?

10 / 20

Category: Reading

10. Read the following text to answer the question.

Planning an eco-friendly holiday can be a minefield for the well-meaning traveller, says Mark Watson. If there were awards for tourism catchwords that have been hijacked, diluted and misused then ‘ecotourism’ would surely earn first prize. The term initially surfaced in the early 1980s reflecting a surge in environmental awareness and a realisation by tour operators that many of their clients wanted to believe their presence in a foreign land would not have a negative impact. It rapidly became the hottest marketing tag a holiday abroad could carry.

The term ‘ecotourism’ has become an advertising gimmick.

11 / 20

Category: Reading

11. Read the following text to answer the question.

A raft of forecasts were made two decades ago, predicting a decline in the number of working hours coupled with a consequent increase in leisure time. It was estimated that the leisure revolution would take place by the turn of the last century with hours devoted to work predicted to fall to an average of 25 per week. While this reduction failed to materialise, the revolution has, nonetheless, arrived.

At the turn of the last century, weekly working hours dropped to 25.

12 / 20

Category: Vocabulary

12. Are you _________ to any brands, that is, do you always tend to buy that particular brand?

13 / 20

Category: Grammar

13. My research involves __________ some very complicated calculations.

14 / 20

Category: Grammar

14. Complete the sentence with the verb "enable" in the correct form. "The success of the experiment _____________ the student to complete her assignment."

15 / 20

Category: Listening

15. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

Margaret thinks that managers should _________

16 / 20

Category: Listening

16. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

Passenger surname:

17 / 20

Category: Listening

17. Listen to the following audio to answer the question.

The holiday insurance that is offered _________

18 / 20

Category: Vocabulary

18. What do you call someone who makes sure they achieve what they set out to do, without giving up?

19 / 20

Category: Reading

19. Read the following text to answer the question.

Reef flats and shallow reef lagoons are accessible on foot, without the need for a boat, and so allow women, children and the elderly to engage directly in manual harvesting, or ‘reef-gleaning’. This is a significant factor distinguishing reef-based fisheries from near-shore sea fisheries. Near-shore fisheries are typically the domain of adult males, in particular where they involve the use of boats, with women and children restricted mainly to shore-based activities. However, in a coral reef fishery the physical accessibility of the reef opens up opportunities for direct participation by women, and consequently increases their independence and the importance of their role in the community.

Involvement in coral-reef-based occupations raises the status of women.

20 / 20

Category: Vocabulary

20. Which of the following words is a synonym for "false"?

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